4、 开设课程
Beijing New Talent Academy Psychological Health Education and Counseling Center
Psychological Health Education and Counseling Center specializes in providing psychological health educationand counseling services for the excellence of students, teachers and parents,
which includes following aspects:
1, Psychological Health Education
We hope that students' psychological quality can be improved through psychological health courses and activities, setting up associations, and campus advocacy on psychological health knowledge, etc. Meanwhile, we hope that teachers teaching ability of psychological health and professional happiness can be improved through building up Teachers Training System on Psychological Health Education.
2, Psychological Counseling
Adhering to "Help Others By Helping Oneself" concept, we provide psychological counseling services to the students, teachers and parents of the sc-hool, which covers adaptation, development, learning, pressure, interpersonal relationship, emotions, personality, career planning, etc. You may approach us by individual and group, helpline, and send-ing letters ("Spiritual Mailbox" or email).
3, Psychological Evaluation
We provide psychological evaluations with psychological health, depression, anxiety, interpersonal relationship, personality, career orientation, etc. t-o the students and teachers of the school.
Contact us :
Address: Room 218, Psychological Health Education and Counseling Center
Helpline: 010-80413368
Mail: xlzx@bjnewtalent.com
校址: 北京市顺义区天竺开发区安华街9号北京市新英才学校 邮编: 101300
人力资源部:010-80413037 家长接待中心:010-80467117 80467116 80413001
幼儿园:010-80413005 小学:010-80413007 中学:010-80413006 剑桥:010-80413008 汉语中心:010-80413036
Email: xzyx@bjnewtalent.com(校长邮箱) luoyj@bjnewtalent.com(家长接待中心) hr@bjnewtalent.com(人力资源部)
版权所有 Copyright @ 北京市新英才学校 京ICP备09059936号-1